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Smart Cocoa Kick

Attention all caffeine enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals! Birota Foods is thrilled to introduce our latest innovation - Smart Cocoa Kick. We spruced up our already amazing Smart Cocoa for those looking for a caffeinated option outside coffee. This spicy Mexican hot chocolate delivers 50 milligrams of caffeine per cup via natural upcycled coffeeberry. Whether enjoyed as morning fuel or a mid-afternoon pick-me-up this indulgent drinking chocolate will not only satisfy your chocolate cravings but also provide a beneficial cognitive kick with the addition of caprylic acid MCT oil and D-ribose. Treat yourself to the ultimate combination of flavor and functionality with Birota Food's Smart Cocoa Kick - a smart choice for a smarter you.


Introducing the Nanofoamer, the ultimate companion for coffee and Smart Cocoa and perfection at home. This innovative device revolutionizes milk frothing, creating barista-quality foam effortlessly. With advanced technology, it transforms any milk into velvety-smooth microfoam, enhancing your favorite beverages. The intuitive interface guarantees expert-level foam with a single button press. Not limited to coffee, it easily mixes Smart Cocoa to creamy perfection. The Subminimal Nanofoamer creates magic, one cup at a time.


Dedicated to quality, functional ingredients to support optimal health
